Friday, September 13, 2013

Personal Reflection

Personal Reflection:
Why is this photo good (compositional standpoint)?
This photo is good because it really goes with my theme, and it really captures the statue in a unique way.

Why do you value this photograph (sentimental standpoint)?
It is from the first photography workshop i ever took

How did this photo inspire your theme? What is your theme?
This photo inspired my theme by making me think of statues, and some of the best statues and architecture are from historical times in Europe and the U.S. My theme is historical art and architecture.

How do the other images you selected relate to your theme?
All of the pictures on my cover are pictures of old art and architecture from different cultures around the world. Mostly from Europe or the U.S.

Describe the compositional strategies used (Elements & Principles of Design).
I used space well in the spacing and organization of the pictures in the collage. My neutral color scheme was consistent, and all of the pictures follow my theme which shows repetition. It is also very balanced and has a good sense of unity.

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