Monday, June 2, 2014

Creative Techniques Project and Reflection

 Hand Colored Brush Tool
 Circular Cut Distoriton
 Hand Colored Gradient
 Halftone Screen
 Image Overlay
 Hand Colored Selection Tool
 Symmetrical Pattern
 Texture Screen
Vertical Cut Distortion

 I think that working this way was really interesting, and I probably learned the most during this unit. I really liked working with photoshop and learning how to do different things, and I will definitely use this information with later photos. I prefer this more abstract style over just straight photography for sure. I think it makes it more interesting, it is fun to do, and it's really cool. I like the look of it more so than just taking pictures. It adds a little spark and makes the photos more engaging. Straight photography also can be interesting, but usually, only photos that are meaningful to the viewer and capture a powerful moment are interesting. In my opinion, making it abstract keeps peoples' attention longer, and i like that.

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