Friday, January 23, 2015

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook Notes

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

  • You could have a very good story or idea, but still have a bad advertisement if the ad doesn't appeal to anyone in the general public.
  • Make your ad visually compelling.
  • Don't have too much text because in modern times, you can't expect people to read a lot while just scrolling through their phones.
  • capture the movement and mood of the product you are selling.
  • If you're going to have a link, place it where people will see it.
  • Don't have too little or boring text as well--get the customers excited.
  • Make sure the audience knows what you're selling--have a logo.
  • Have good voice and mood in your text.
  • Make the ad relevant to the product.
  • Make your ad BOLD.
  • Take advantage of the material you have.
  • Make it feel like there's a real person behind the ad--have a sense of humor and be contemporary.
  • Have a good sense of aesthetic in your pictures
  • Don't take too generic of photos.

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