Sunday, May 10, 2015

Valedictory Project Explanation

For my valedictory project, I want to take a series of fashion portraits showcasing people I know in a way that they wouldn't outwardly showcase themselves. I want to take Annie Leibovitz inspired portraits combining portraiture, a little bit of surrealism, general strangeness, and most importantly intimacy. I want people to look at them and see that the subject of the photo would need to have at least a small amount of trust in the photographer to even consider being in the portraits. I want to take portraits that are artistic and intimate, where someone would look at them and have something to contemplate. I don't want people to be able to figure them out right away, because although I do believe that one can produce very beautiful shots without much of a conceptual idea or meaning behind it, that seems easy to me. I want that sense of complexity, confusion, intimacy, and general absurdity in my portraits that Leibovitz displays in many of her most famous works.

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