Thursday, October 17, 2013

Art Wolfe Part : Analysis

     Art Wolfe says that this picture is different from most of his other works of art, but really it is an evolution of his interests. The picture is of a boy covered in clay that is cracking, and it blends in with the background. This picture is part of his Human Canvas Project. Although the pictures might be viewed as erotic because of nudity, he sees them as theatrical. Art Wolfe has traveled to many different cultures over the past 30 years, and he says that these human forms are inescapably sensual in nature, and that nudity is common in many places. This picture, along with the rest of the Human Canvas Project, shows a progression from the work he's done in tribal communities. In those tribal communities, spots, lines, and textures are part of their decorations they use for celebrations. If you look at this picture and the rest of the pictures in the project, you can see that Wolfe depicts this decoration very well in the lines and geometry in the photos. He also works closely with animals. You can see that he made this man looks sort of camouflage which shows how his work with wildlife influenced this shot. He said that in these pictures, he tried to abstract the human form through the use of line, patters, textures, and different angles, and I think he has done that beautifully.

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