Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dada final

Color Block


Halftone Screen

I liked working more spontaneous like this for the Dada project, but I don't mind working more planned either. I think both give very interesting results. One thing I noticed was that I never really knew when to stop editing a photo in this unit. The editing was really fun and more creative than we have done before, and you could do anything you wanted and make the pictures as abstract as you like, so sometimes I found I didn't know when the photo was finished. I ended up focusing a lot on composition, complimentary color schemes, and unity throughout the pieces, but I also tried to make each one unique- from my own photos, and from everyone else's. Overall, I think this unit was a great way to display photoshop skills, and I like that. Even though I didn't know when to end sometimes, I am very happy with the results of this project. I think my pictures are artistic and unique, and the freedom of the project allowed me to do this. If I could change anything or offer any advice, I would try to not get so hung up on one photo and just go with what I felt came naturally with the piece instead of trying to plan so much, and I also wish I would have got more pieces done. 

This project ties in with the Dada art movement because there was a lot of freedom with it, and it had much to do with chance and the abstract. You might look at some of these pieces and wonder why, which is what the Dada movement tried to do. 

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