Sunday, April 19, 2015

Perception vs. Reality

What are peoples perceptions about you based on looks, clothing, actions, and stereotypes?  How do you present yourself at school? What does that look like?  How would you pose in a portrait to represent these notions?  What would you wear?  How would the light look for a studio shot? 

Create a list of words that describe the outward you.  Provide a written response and find visual examples of poses to aid in your shot-taking.
  • Artsy
  • Reserved
  • Old
  • Receptive
  • Conscious
  • Self-assured
  • Calm
  • Smart
  • Interesting
  • Funny
  • Ambitious
  • Irritable
  • Relaxed
  • Lazy
  • Dry
This is a hard question for me to answer, because I think that I, along with a lot of other people, project myself differently when I'm in different social settings. I could get a whole different set of answers from someone in, say, my 7th period class, than from someone in my 6th or 4th or 9th. I don't really think that there is one concrete perception of my outward self. However, most people see me as an artsy kid. They think I am more reserved, and smart because of that, which I don't really think is true. I've been told many times that I am "interesting," but I don't think that they suggest the word's regular connotation when they say that. They just aren't really sure what else to say. I think people think these things because I do generally present myself more quietly and subtly. I am not overt about myself. People think I am interesting and smart because I haven't really proven them otherwise, but am not shy either. This gives me a sort of mysterious or artsy vibe. Also, I really am into art, so that probably has a lot to do with it too. -- To have this come across in a pose, I think I would do something that is closed off, but confident in the face, with either silhouette lighting or very bright direct light. I would wear something simple, but pleasing to the eye that sort of drapes over me fluidly. -- Sometimes, I think,  people also interpret this as being a bit arrogant. For that I would do upward angles of me, making myself look larger, maybe walking over things or seemingly crushing what is below me, and I would definitely use bright, hard lighting for that pose, and for irritability and self-assurance, i would do an intense stare into the camera.


Who is the real you that people are unaware of?  What is a side of you that people don’t know or necessarily can’t tell just by looking at you on the surface?  What are your interests/passions?  How can you represent this realistic viewpoint of yourself through imagery (no selfies)?  How can emotions, moods, and feelings be personified through a static image?  

Create a list of words that describe the inward you.  Provide a written response and think of images you’ve taken that describe your true self.  

  • Tired
  • Caring
  • Self-reflective
  • Stressed
  • Uncomfortable
  • Determined
  • Indecisive
  • Optimistic
  • Doubtful
  • Bored
  • Adaptive
A lot of people don't know that I actually live and have grown up on a farm, and I certainly don't show that on the surface. So, I think I might use images of the countryside, or even of just the scenery around my home to show my inward self that people don't usually get to see. I think I display a confidence or self-assurance that I described above, but I'm really unsure of myself most of the time. So in a sense, I am just as much of a mystery to myself- I am just as "interesting" to myself-as I am to those around me. But i do know that I am tired. I might represent this using darker, more mystical landscapes, like a dark forest, or a city. Something that doesn't make much sense, but has an obvious complexity to it. 

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