Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Motion Blog Assignment 2

Blurred Motion
 Blurred motion is visually appealing because it shows a sense of action and motion. It's cool to see something captured in motion but not frozen because you see how it is moving. Also, it emphasizes the object that's in focus.
 Like blurred motion, these are visually appealing because you see how a motion or action works, but this time with a more focused image. The chronology concept is appealing to everyone, and seeing the same subject multiple times is different.
 Frozen Motion
 Frozen motion is visually appealing because it can capture what the human eye can't. People can't freeze time to see what a water balloon looks like just as it pops, but you can take an image with a fast shutter speed to see it clearly frozen in motion, and that's cool for people to see and creates a sort of drama in a photo that engages people.
 Panning is interesting because it really focuses on the thing that is moving and blurs out the rest of the background. Because the background is blurred and the camera follows the subject, people look at photos of panning and feel very in the moment of that photo and can imagine what is happening. You can almost feel that it will go back into motion once you look away.
 Writing With Light
 Writing with light pictures are awesome because you can literally make a painting or "write" with a light in a picture and still make it seem realistic, and like the light streaks could be there in the room for real. Also, it captures the way light moves which, again, isn't something people can see naturally.
Zooming is visually interesting because it puts a focal point in the very center and draws your eye out from it or into it and creates a weird sort of drama in a photo. Also, like all the others, it's just cool that it can capture a motion.

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