Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Motion Blog Assignment 1

Blurred Motion

 This picture is set up by setting up a tripod, and having something move in front of the camera as the picture is being taken. It probably requires a slightly lower shutter speed.

Frozen Motion

Frozen motion is set up by having a very high shutter speed and taking a picture of something in motion. The fast shutter speed will freeze it in motion. You probably don't use a tripod to get the shot you really want.


You achieve panning by by moving with the subject so the subject is in focus, but the background is blurry. The shutter speed should be moderate, and you generally wouldn't use a tripod for this.

 Zooming is achieved by zooming in or out as you take the picture. It takes a slightly slower shutter speed; around 1/8 of a second or more, and you probably wouldn't use a tripod.

Writing with light
 Writing with light is super cool, and you can achieve it by using a tripod and a very very slow shutter speed or bulb mode. Once you take the picture, you take a light and draw with it in the picture, and it looks like you wrote with the light. The subject stays in focus because of the camera being on a tripod.

 You achieve Chrono by taking multiple pictures of someone in the same landscape. The camera should be on a tripod to make sure you get the same background every time, and you have a generally fast shutter speed.

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