Thursday, March 6, 2014

Aperture Quiz


I thought this assignment was pretty easy but it is necessary for photography because aperture is an essential part of the course. I thought this was a good assignment. I knew a lot of this already but this helped me learn how to use it more effectively and how to really achieve what I wanted with depth of field and focusing. 

My pictures for this test were successful because with the low f stop, you can clearly see that it is focused on the middleground, in the middle f stop its a lot less blurred and less focused but still, the middle is the clearest part, and with the high f stop, almost everything is in focus. I think if I would have zoomed more then I could've gotten a more distinguished focal point, and I could have taken these at a better angle.

How can depth of field be manipulated  in photography?  
You can manipulate depth of field with aperture and principles of design. Having a lower f stop will give you a clear and defined focus in a photo, and will blur out the rest, and you can focus on different things in the photo with that. Having a higher f stop will make there be a less clear focus in the photo, or have everything in focus if that's what you want, and there will be no blur.

Why would one choose to manipulate depth of field? 

You manipulate depth of field to either focus on one thing, or focus on many things depending on how you want your picture to look. Also, you can blur other parts of the image out, again emphasizing a single thing in a photo.  

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