Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Motion Final

Blurred Motion-  ISO: 2000, f/25, SS:1/3

 Chrono- ISO: 800, f/22, SS: 1/25

 Frozen Motion- ISO: 320, f/4, SS; 1/2500

 Panning- ISO: 6400, f/25, SS: 1/25

 WWL- ISO:800, f/22, SS: 30.0

Zooming- ISO:800, f/22, SS: 1.0

  • From working with different shutter speeds, I learned that there is a countless amount of ways to capture motion in a photo. Also I learned that for certain pictures, a tripod is very important to be able to capture the photo how you want. Fast shutter speeds can capture completely frozen motion, and slow shutter speeds can capture someone not being there at all or looking like a ghost. I also learned a lot about photoshop this unit with the chrono shots, which I'm really thankful for and will be able to use that forever. Also, I already knew how to do writing with light, but in doing this here at school I was able to perfect my skills in that type of motion photography. Overall, this was probably one of the most useful and interesting units we have done, and I learned a lot.
  • I'm really glad that I made the pictures black and white this time; I like the effect it has on the pictures, and I think it makes it more dramatic. I think that if I could do it again I would put more effort into making the photos more interesting. I'm really happy with the blurred motion and writing with light. I think those two are the best of the six photos, and maybe chrono. Also, I would recommend taking a whole bunch of pictures so that you have options when you go to choose, therefore you won't end up not liking your own pictures.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Motion Shooting Assignment

I had more success with blurred motion, writing with light, frozen motion, and chrono, but less success with zooming and panning. I think part of why I had success with blurred motion, chrono, and writing with light is because I liked shooting those ones more; I think they are more interesting and fun to do, so I put more effort into it. I think panning is interesting too, but I didn't have as much success because it's harder to achieve for me. Frozen motion I think was successful for everyone because it's really easy to do most of the time. I liked doing chrono and blurred motion a lot because for those pictures, I felt that the backgrounds were interesting, which lead to a more dramatic photo, and the photos being cooler overall. Overall, I think I did my best with this assignment, and even though some of them aren't very interesting, I still got the assignment done, and I think some of them turned out really good, so, I would say this project was a success.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Motion- In class

Blurred Motion 

  •  I used a tripod, and a lower shutter speed, and had Lucy jump across the hallway.
  •  ISO:100,  SS: 1/5,  f/5.6

 Frozen Motion

  •  I used a tripod for this, but I didn't really need to. I se a fast shutter speed and had Lucy spin around with the scarf. 
  •  ISO: 1250,  SS: 1/200,  f/2.8

  •  I did not use a tripod, and had Whitney walk past the background in the studio, keeping her in focus but the background a bit more blurry. I followed her with the camera as she walked to do this, and used a medium shutter speed.
  • ISO: 1000,  SS:1/50,  f/2.8

  •  Tiffany stood in front of the camera. I used the tripod, zoomed in on the CV on her shirt, and then zoomed out as I took the picture. I used a very slow shutter speed.
  • ISO: 100,  SS: 2.0,  f/11

  •  First, I took a picture of just the stairs alone, then one with just Lucy's feet in one spot, her sitting on a stair trying to trip the feet, and her just in the front left corner. I plan to put these pictures together in photoshop. I used a tripod to make sure that all the backgrounds were almost exactly the same.
  • ISO: 2000,  SS:1/125,  f/3.2