Monday, April 14, 2014

Motion Shooting Assignment

I had more success with blurred motion, writing with light, frozen motion, and chrono, but less success with zooming and panning. I think part of why I had success with blurred motion, chrono, and writing with light is because I liked shooting those ones more; I think they are more interesting and fun to do, so I put more effort into it. I think panning is interesting too, but I didn't have as much success because it's harder to achieve for me. Frozen motion I think was successful for everyone because it's really easy to do most of the time. I liked doing chrono and blurred motion a lot because for those pictures, I felt that the backgrounds were interesting, which lead to a more dramatic photo, and the photos being cooler overall. Overall, I think I did my best with this assignment, and even though some of them aren't very interesting, I still got the assignment done, and I think some of them turned out really good, so, I would say this project was a success.

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