Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sketchbook Cover/Identity Project

  1. The quote I used for this project relates to me because it is part of the result of a personality test that I took a while ago. I take a lot of these online for fun, and usually they're so relatable that everyone who takes the test could resonate with any result, but I definitely thought this one was creepily accurate for me. The quote is supposedly my current, biggest problem in life saying, "Fears he will be held back from achieving things he really wants, leading him to search endlessly for satisfaction and become involved in activities which are pointless." It's scarily true, and describes exactly what I think my largest struggle is, and it's unfortunately a big part of who I am, so I thought this was perfect.
  2. The main picture on the cover is the picture of me with my family and some very close friends dressed up for the picture I took for my Latin project last year, and it describes a part of me because those people are a big part of who I am. I am very close with my siblings and the friends in the picture, and doing that project is a fun memory. Also, I won 3rd place and am very proud of it. I take some school projects very seriously. I am a calm person and very observational, and I notice when things are aesthetically pleasing. I think this definitely comes through in my cover with the flowers, tea cups, the cat, the sunset background, and the overall color scheme of it. Overall, it might not make a lot of sense right away when you look at it, but you know there are a lot of ideas there that are complex, interconnected, and if you look at it long enough you might be able to piece together, and I think that describes me pretty well.
  3. I really like the end result. It could definitely be better, but I think it describes me and has a nice composition. I am happy with how i edited it in photoshop. I strongly suggest learning photoshop for future students because it looks a lot more cool. What I think could have been a lot better is the actual application of the photo onto the sketchbook. I really dislike my tape job. It got crinkled in one part and there is a weird red dot in the middle of the words that was on the tape , and I don't like it, but I can't really change it now. Overall, I am content with it.

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